- 研究兴趣
- 科研项目
- 空间分数阶微分方程的预处理迭代方法, NSFC 11771148, 2018/01–2021/12
- 矩阵分析中的模式问题研究 (参与), NSFC 11671148, 2017/01–2020/12
- 偏微分方程最优控制问题的预处理算法研究, NSFC 11371145, 2014/01–2017/12
- 具有特殊结构的矩阵研究 (参与), SMNSF 15ZR1411500, 2015/01–2017/12
- 若干矩阵方程求解, 扰动和预处理的研究与应用 (参与), NSFC 11071079, 2011/01–2013/12
- 关于矩阵元素的组合分析 (参与), NSFC 10971070, 2010/01–12/2012/12
- 鞍点问题与矩阵方程的迭代算法, SMNSF 09ZR1408700, 2009/08–2011/07
- Toeplitz 型方程组的快速迭代算法研究, NSFC 10501013, 2006/01–2008/12
- 矩阵的奇异值、特征值和范数 (参与), NSFC 10571060, 2006/01–2008/12
- 学术兼职
- 上海市数学会,监事长, 2019.06 - 2024.11
- 中国数学会计算数学分会,常务理事, 2019.08 -
- 中国运筹学会,理事, 2020.10 - 2024.09
- 上海市工业与应用数学学会,理事, 2015.11 - 2019.11
- 学术会议(近两年)
2016 International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications (ICMTA2016),
Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, December 28-31, 2016
- 2016同济大学计算数学青年学者研讨会,
The Sixth International Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing
(NASC 2016), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, October 22(Sat.)–26(Wed.), 2016
SIAM: East Asian Section Conference 2016,
University of Macau, June 20-22, 2016
International Conference on Tensor, Matrix and Their Applications,
Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China,
May 20-24, 2016
- 鞍点问题的预处理与迭代方法,
Workshop on Structured Matrix Computations with Applications,
Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum 清华三亚国际数学论坛,
March 14-18, 2016
- 结构代数方程组及其相关问题的数值分析与应用,
华南师范大学, 广州, 2015.11.28-12.01
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA15),
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, October 26-30, 2015
The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2015),
Beijing, China, August 10-14, 2015
- 结构矩阵的结构化处理学术研讨会,
- 学术论文
Z-Z. Bai, K. Y. Lu and J. Y. Pan,
Diagonal and Toeplitz splitting iteration methods for diagonal-plus-Toeplitz
linear systems from spatial fractional diffusion equations,
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol.24, e2093, 2017
J. Y. Pan, M. K. Ng and H. Wang,
Fast preconditioned iterative methods for finite volume discretization of steady-state space-fractional diffusion equations,
Numerical Algorithms, Vol.74, 153--173, 2017
J. Y. Pan, M. K. Ng and H. Wang,
Fast iterative solvers for linear systems arising from time-dependent space-fractional diffusion equations,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol.38, No.5, A2806--A2826, 2016
Y. B. Lu and J. Y. Pan,
Shifted power method for computing tensor H-eigenpairs,
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol.23, 410--426, 2016
J. Y. Fan, J. Y. Pan and H. Song,
A retrospective trust region algorithm with trust region converging to zero,
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.34, No.4, 421--436, 2016.
J. Y. Pan, R. H. Ke, M. K. Ng and H. W. Sun,
Preconditioning techniques for diagonal-times-Toeplitz matrices in fractional diffusion equations,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol.36, No.6, A2698--A2719, 2014
M. K. Ng and J. Y. Pan,
Weighted Toeplitz regularized least squares computation for image restoration,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol.36, No.1, B94--B121, 2014
J. Y. Fan and J. Y. Pan,
On the convergence rate of the inexact Levenberg-Marquardt method,
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.7, No.1, 199--210, 2011.
J. Y. Fan and J. Y. Pan,
An improved trust region algorithm for nonlinear equations,
Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol.48, No.1, 59--70, 2011.
J. Y. Fan and J. Y. Pan,
A modified trust region algorithm for nonlinear equations with new updating rule of trust region radius,
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol.87, No.14, 3186--3195, 2010
M. K. Ng and J. Y. Pan,
Approximate inverse circulant-plus-diagonal preconditioners for Toeplitz-plus-diagonal matrices,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol.32, No.3, 1442--1464, 2010
J. Y. Fan and J. Y. Pan,
A note on the Levenberg–Marquardt parameter,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.207, No.2, 351--359, 2009
J. Y. Pan, M. K. Ng and Z. Z. Bai,
New preconditioners for saddle point problems,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.172, No.2, 762--771, 2006.
J. Y. Fan, J. Y. Pan,
Convergence properties of a self-adaptive Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm under local error bound condition,
Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol.34, No.1, 47--62, 2006.
Z. Z. Bai, M. K. Ng and J. Y. Pan,
Alternating splitting waveform relaxation method and its successive overrelaxation acceleration,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.49, No.2-3, 157--170, 2005.
J. Y. Pan, Z. Z. Bai and M. K. Ng,
Two-step waveform relaxation methods for implicit linear initial value problems,
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol.12, No.2-3, 293--304, 2005.
Z. Z. Bai, G. H. Golub and J. Y. Pan,
Preconditioned Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for non-Hermitian positive semidefinite linear systems,
Numerische Mathematik, Vol.98, No.1, 1--32, 2004.
J. Y. Fan and J. Y. Pan,
Inexact Levenberg-Marquardt method for nonlinear equations,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Vo.4, No.4, 1223--1232, 2004
J. Y. Pan and Z. Z. Bai,
On the convergence of waveform relaxation methods for linear initial value problems,
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.22, No.5, 681--698, 2004
J. Y. Pan,
Limit cycles of the polynomial Lienard system of degree 4,
Journal of NanJing University Mathematical Biquarterly, Vol.17, No.2, 211--217, 2000.
D. J. Luo and J. Y. Pan,
Some supplements of Poincare bifurcations in quadratic systems,
Journal of Natural Science Nanjing Normal University, Vol.2, No.1, 6--9, 2000.
J. Y. Pan,
Poincare bifurcations in the quadratic systems,
Annals of differential Equations, Vol.15, No.4, 407--416, 1999.