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Wang, Jianpan's papers, books, etc.



1.        Sheaf cohomology on G/B and tensor products of Weyl modules, J. Algebra 77(1982), 162—185

2.       Coinduced representations and injective modules for hyperalgebra br, Chin. Ann. of Math. 4B(1983), 357—364

3.       The inverse image of an induced sheaf on G/P, J. East China Normal Univ. (Natural Science Edition), 1984, No.4, 1—8

4.       Quasi-rational modules and generic cohomology, Northeastern Math. J. 1(1985), 90—100

5.       Chevalley群表示概述,数学进展,14(1985), 1—22 (与曹锡华合作)

6.       线性代数群表示导论, 科学出版社, 北京, 1987 (与曹锡华合作)

7.        On the generic cohomology, Proc. of Symp. in Pure Math., AMS, Providence, RI, 47-2(1987), 195—200

8.       仿射Weyl群上的半序,华东师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 1987, No. 4, 15—25

9.       Translation and cancellation of socle series patterns, Tohoku Math. J. 40(1988), 633— 643 (with Yuan-huai Bai and Ke-xin Wen)

10.  On the cyclicity and cocyclicity of G-modules, Acta Math. Sinica (New Series) 4(1988), 45—54

11.    On the cyclicity and cocyclicity of G-modules, Contemp. Math. 82(1989), 231—233

12.   Inverse limits of affine group schemes, Chin. Ann. of Math. 9B(1989), 418—428

13.   Notes on some topics in the representation theory of linear algebraic groups, Comm. in Algebra 18(1990), 347—355

14.   The research of the modular representations of algebraic groups in China, Adv. in Sci. of China, Math. 3(1990), 1—28 (with Xi-hua Cao)

15.   代数几何初步 —— 簇论, 研究生教材,华东师范大学数学系印行,1986, 1992

16.   On bialgebra cohomology, Bull. Soc. Math. Belg. 42(1990), 607—642 (with Brian Parshall)

17.   Two-parameter quantum linear groups and the hyperbolic invariance of q-Schur algebras, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 44(1991), 420—436 (with Jie Du and Brian Parshall)

18.  量子群理论概述,数学进展,20(1991), 424—454

19.   Quantum Linear Groups, Memoirs AMS, no. 439, Providence, RI, 1991 (with Brian Parshall)

20. A summarized account for the representation theory of quantum linear groups, in “Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Number Theory”, World Scientific, Singapore, 1992, pp.102—120

21.   Cohomology of infinitesimal quantum groups, I, Tohoku Math. J. 44(1992), 1231—1259 (with Brian Parshall)

22.  Cohomology of quantum groups: the quantum dimension, Canad. J. of Math. 45(1993), 1276—1298 (with Brian Parshall)

23.  Representation theory of algebraic and quantum groups in China, in “Group Theory in China”, Science Press (China) / Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1996, pp. 203—223 (with Ye Jiachen)

24.  Hecke algebras of type Dn at roots of unity, J. of Algebra 212(1999), 132—160 (with Hu Jun)

25.  Borel subalgebras redux with example from algebraic and quantum groups, Algebras and Representation Theory 3(2000), 213-257 (with Brian Parshall and Leonard Scott)

26.  Representations and Quantizations, China Higher Education Press/Springer-Verlag, Beijing, 2000 (with Zongzhu Lin, editors)

27.  On simple modules of Hecke algebras of type Dn, Science in China (Series A) 44(2001), 953—960 (with Hu Jun)

28. 群与代数的表示论,数学进展,30(2001), 481—488(与张继平等合作)

29.  Infinitesimal quantum gln and little q-Schur algebras, J. Algebra, 287(2005), 199—233 (with Jie Du and Qiang Fu)

30. Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Geometry and Related Fields, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol 39. American Mathematical Society/International Press, 2007 (with Zhijie Chen, Shengli Tan, and Stephen S. -T. Yau, editors)

31.   Finite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 150, American Mathematical Society, 2008 (with Bangming Deng, Jie Du and Brian Parshall)

32.  Representation Theory, Forth International Conference on Representation Theory, July 16—20, 2007, Lhasa, China, American Mathematical Society, 2009 (with Zongzhu Lin, editors)

33.  Lie Theory and Representation Theory, China Higher Education Press/ International Press, Beijing, 2011 (with Bin Shu and Naihong Hu, editors)

34.  Representations of Little q-Schur Algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 257(2012), 343—378 (with Jie Du and Qiang Fu)

35.  Krull-Schmidt decomposition of the tensor products of certain simple Uq(gln)-modules at a root of unity, 华东师范大学学报自然科学版2013年第6, 1—10 (with Haixia Gu)

36.  Irreducible representations of q-Schur superalgebras at a root of unity, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 218(2014), 2012—2059 (with Jie Du and Haixia Gu)

37.  Quantum Schur superalgebras and finite general linear groups, 华东师范大学学报自然科学版2014年第6, 1—8; 38 (with Xiaoyu Chen)

38. Krull-Schmidt decomposition of the tensor products of some tensor products of costandard modules for SL3(k), J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 219(2015), 1850—1867 (with Xiaoyu Chen)

39.  Representations of q-Schur superalgebras in positive characteristics, Journal of Algebra 481(2017), 393—419 (with Jie Du and Haixia Gu)

40. The infinitesimal and the little q-Schur superalgebras, Communications in Algebra 46(2018), 516—543 (with Xiaoyu Chen and Haixia Gu)


41.   全国新课标初中数学教材, 华东师范大学出版社出版,主编

42.  Trends and Challenges in Mathematics Education, East China Normal University Press, 2004 (editors, with Xu Binyan)

43.  迎接挑战,深化改革,造就创新型师资,载《素质教育的理想与目标》,华东师范大学出版社,1999pp. 9—18

44.  以师范教育一体化思想为指导,高水平全方位多层次地为基础教育服务,载 《一体化:师范教育改革的思考与实践》,华东师范大学出版社,2000pp. 87—98

45.  教师专业化与教师教育政策的选择,载《高等师范教育研究》2001年第5

46.  高等师范教育:挑战与机遇,载《教育参考》2000年第1

47.  21世纪大学在科学与人文精神整合中的作用,载《探求21世纪大学的坐标 —— 华东师范大学50周年校庆中外大学校长论坛讲演集》,华东师范大学出版社,2004pp. 20—27 (英文稿:pp. 28—42

48. 世界汉语教学的跨文化视角,载《对外汉语教学的跨文化视角 —— 旧金山市对外汉语教学学术会议论文集》,华东师范大学出版社,2004pp. 7—13 (英文稿:pp. 15—26

49.  中国教师教育:现状、问题与趋势,载《教师教育研究》2004年第5期;转载《新华文摘》2005年第2期,113—117

50.  适应基础教育发展,推进教师教育改革,载《教师教育论坛论文集》,语文出版社,2005pp. 137—143

51.   WTO与上海教育的发展,载《大学之道 —— 华东师范大学教育理念与实践》,华东师范大学出版社,2006pp. 347—351

52.  建立高水平、有活力的教师教育体系 —— 关于“十五”期间我国高师院校改革与发展的思考,载《大学之道 —— 华东师范大学教育理念与实践》,华东师范大学出版社,2006pp. 352—356

53.  中国数学教育:传统与现实,江苏凤凰教育出版社,2009年初版;2017年新版(主编)

54.  Mathematics Education in China: Tradition and Reality, Gale Asia CENGAGE Learning, 2012 (editor)

55.  主要国家高中数学教材的比较研究,载《课程 ? 教材 ? 教法》第31卷(2011年)第7期,105—106

56.  高中数学教材核心数学内容的国际比较,载《课程 ? 教材 ? 教法》第34卷(2014年)第10期,112—119(与章建跃合作)

57. 高中数学教材中例题的综合难度的国际比较,载《全球教育展望》第43卷(2014年)第8期,101—110(与鲍建生合作)

58. 中、法、美高中数学教科书中的数学文化比较研究,载《教育发展研究》2015年第20期,28—3255(与汪晓勤、洪燕君合作)

59.  高中数学课标实施中的若干问题与思考, 载《课程 ? 教材 ? 教法》第35卷(2015年)第10期,59—64(与柳笛、章建跃、鲍建生合作)

60. 高中数学教材国际比较研究,华东师范大学出版社,2015(主编)

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