大学数学系作访问学者, 1997年8月至1998年2月访问美国北卡州立大学和西北大学(各3个月)。1995年6月至2004年5月任数学系主任。现任中国数学会理事、上海市数学会常务理事、上海市非线性科学学会理事;
《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》、 《Annals of Differential Equations》与《Communications
on Pure and Applied Analysis》等3种杂志编委。
1987.7, Ph.D Degree, Nanjing University,
1987.7-- Teaching in Dept. Math., East China Normal University ,
1994.8-- Professor,
1990.12-1992.12 Visiting Scholar of Math. Institute, Warwick University, England,
1997.08-10 Visiting Scholar of Math. Dept., State University of North Calonina, USA,
1997.11- 1998.02 Visiting Scholar of Math. Dept., North-West University, USA,
1995.06- 2004.05 Chairman of the Department.
Editor of 《Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis ,《Annals of Differential
Equations》 and Publications(1984-2005-02): 3 Books and 93 Papers.
Awords: 1996, 3rd Prize for the Progresses in Sciences and Technology (Ministry of
Education) (with Maoan Han);2002, First Prize of the Nature Sciences (Ministry of
Education) (with Maoan Han, etc.)
版权所有 华东师范大学数学系