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Regularity of bounded critical Fatou components for polynomials
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

报告人:尹永成 教授(浙江大学)
时间: 4月4日 上午10:30-11:30
地点: 中山北路校区理科A楼1510室
报告题目:Regularity of bounded critical Fatou components for polynomials.
摘要:Let $U$ be a bounded critical Fatou component for a polynomial.
(1). If $U$ is attracting and its boundary contains neither parabolic points nor recurrent critical points, then $U$ is a quasidisk.
(2). If $U$ is parabolic associate with a paraboloc point $p$ and $\partial U\{p}$ contains neither parabolic points nor recurrent critical points, then $U$ is a John domain. Moreover, if there are at least two petals, then $U$ is a quasidisk.