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When East and West Meet: Comparisons, Challenges, and Recommendations for Improving Mathematics Instruction in China and the United States
Dr. Thomas E. Ricks (Louisiana State University)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


报告人:Dr. Thomas E. Ricks
Dr. Ricks is from Louisiana State University. He has a B.A. and M.A. (Brigham Young University), and a Ph.D. (University of Georgia under Dr. Jeremy Kilpatrick) each in Mathematics Education. His interests include cross-cultural comparison studies in mathematics education and teacher preparation. His research includes videotaping and comparing Chinese and U.S. mathematics classes at primary and secondary levels. He has presented at numerous national and international conferences, including most recently in Beijing (May 2009), San Diego, USA (April 2010) and Hangzhou (June 2010).

时间:2010年11月9日 (周二) 下午1:30-3:30
题目:When East and West Meet: Comparisons, Challenges, and Recommendations for Improving Mathematics Instruction in China and the United States
United States’ educators look with envy upon the successful Chinese mathematics education system that (a) consistently ranks as one of the best on international comparisons, (b) dominates global mathematics competitions, and (c) produces talented graduate students that are entering US universities at ever increasing rates. Because the U.S. has (d) no formal system of professional development, (e) no establishment for school-university relationships, or (f) no national curriculum, the U.S. also has interest in the structural elements that support mathematics teachers in China. Not surprisingly, China would like their students to adopt many U.S. traits like innovation, creativity, and independence in mathematical work; additionally, the U.S. has a world-renowned higher education system that attracts many Chinese students. Both China and the United States have much to learn about each other’s educational strengths. This presentation (i) compares Chinese and U.S. mathematics education, (ii) identifies pertinent challenges both countries face, and (iii) offers recommendations for long-term improvement.