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An error analysis for the corner singularity expansion of a compressible Stokes system on a non-convex polygon
Prof. Jae Ryong Kweon (Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

学 术 报 告 (偏微分方程)
报告人: Prof. Jae Ryong Kweon
(Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea)
题 目:An error analysis for the corner singularity expansion of a
compressible Stokes system on a non-convex polygon
地 点:闵行校区 四教325
时 间:2010年11月9日(星期二)下午:3: 30--4: 30
摘 要:It is known that the velocity vector for compressible
Navier-Stokes flows with nonzero boundary conditions can be decomposed
into a singular part and its regular one near each non-convex vertex
of bounded polygonal domains. The singular part is a multiplication of
the corner singularity (of the Laplace type) and the stress intensity
factor. In this paper we consider a finite element scheme
approximating the regular part and the stress intensity factor, show
its unique existence of the discrete solution and derive an (nearly)
optimal error estimate. Some numerical examples confirming these
results are given.
This is a joint work with Sung Kyu, Choi and Young Pyo Kim.