
Speaker: Kang Zuo (Mainz University)
Time: Friday, 20.Sep.2019, 14:30--16:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Full companions of rank-2 periodic Higgs bundles and motivic local systems

Speaker: Hao Sun (Shanghai Normal University)
Time: Friday, 20.Sep.2019, 16:00--17:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Bogomolov's inequality and related topics

Speaker: Ke Chen (Nanjing University)
Time: Monday, 23.Sep.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: On Shimura subvarieties away from the open Torelli locus

Speaker: Sichen Li (East China Normal University and National University of Singapore)
Time: Friday, 11.Oct.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Derived length of zero entropy groups acting on projective varieties in arbitrary characteristic--A remark to a paper of Dinh-Oguiso-Zhang

Speaker: Zhi Qi (Zhejiang University)
Time: Friday, 18.Oct.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Bessel functions and Beyond Endoscopy

Speaker: Chuangxun Cheng (Nanjing University)
Time: Friday, 18.Oct.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Mod p cohomology of modular curves and Shimura curves

Speaker: Jie Liu (Morningside Center of Mathematics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Time: Friday, 1.Nov.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Positivity of anticanonical divisors of Fano manifolds

Speaker: Yifei Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Time: Friday, 1.Nov.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: On a boundedness problem for weighted blowups of A^n

Speaker: Yunfeng Jiang (ShanghaiTech University and University of Kansas)
Time: Friday, 15.Nov.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Twisted Vafa-Witten invariants and S-duality

Speaker: Xinyi Fang (East China Normal University)
Time: Friday, 22.Nov.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Vector Bundles on Flag Varieties

Speaker: Mulin Li (Hunan University)
Time: Friday, 22.Nov.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Virtual residue and its applications

Speaker: Zhiyuan Li (Fudan University)
Time: Friday, 13.Dec.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: MMP on moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces

Speaker: Jinxing Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Time: Friday, 13.Dec.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: A global Torelli theorem for certain Calabi-Yau threefolds

Speaker: Zhi Jiang (Fudan University)
Time: Friday, 27.Dec.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Decomposition theorems of pushforwards of pluricanonical bundles of pairs to abelian varieties

Speaker: Chuanhao Wei (Stony Brook University)
Time: Friday, 10.Jan.2020, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Algebraic hyperbolicity of Moduli spaces of smooth varieties of general type

List of Speakers